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Specializing in the mining industry, Blue Heron Environmental is a company of professionals with extensive practical experience in assisting clients with the management of environmental, safety and regulatory risks
With over 10,000 successful projects approved by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), a success rate of over 98%, and a flexible, competitive pricing strategy, BIG is a recognized industry leader, providing reliable and accurate SR&ED claim preparation and support services to organizations of all sizes – from independent owner-operated...
Established in 1996 Engineering Staff (P.Eng./B.Eng.) Site, Soil & Water Contamination Rehabilitation Project Management
SRK Consulting is an independent, international consulting practice that provides focused advice and solutions to clients, mainly from earth and water resource industries. For mining projects, SRK offers services from exploration through feasibility, mine planning, and production to mine closure. Formed in 1974, SRK now employs more than...
We are independent Engineering Economists and Advisors. Our principal competency is as supply side and asset specialists. Since 1971 we have bridged the gap between market analysis and the project work undertaken by consulting engineers. We operate two major research centres within an integrated global footprint of regional offices and...
BBA is an independent Canadian consulting engineering fi rm operating internationally. Its team is composed of highly-qualifi ed experts in several engineering disciplines including electrical, civil, mechanical, industrial data processing, mining, metallurgical processes, automation, and construction management.
Established in 1999, the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office (CNGO) is a co-funded and co-managed partnership between Natural Resources Canada (the Geological Survey of Canada, Earth Sciences Sector), Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, and the Government of Nunavut (the Department of Economic Development and Transportation).
We are one of the leading construction and civil engineering companies in the Nordic countries. We collaborate with customers throughout Denmark and also abroad.
The Natural History Museum is able to deliver a range of specialist consultancy, research and education services to the mining sector.
SARAFINCHIN Consulting Engineers provides diversified geoengineering services to mine operators, mining contractors and mining consultants